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The Peacocks

Daniela D'Ercole (voce)
Ettore Carucci (piano)
Giuseppe Bassi (contrabbasso)
Marcello Nisi (batteria

special guest
Jed Levy (Sax tenore e flauto)

The Peacocks

“Daniela D'Ercole, è la nuova stella nascente del jazz vocale. Dotata di una voce adorabile, gusto, feeling e un’ottima musicalità. Ascolterete molto di più da questa speciale, talentuosa giovane ragazza italiana. Brava Daniela!”



In the end, I decided to call this album, “The Peacocks.” This song represents this cd and me, in this moment of my life. I had a particular meeting with the Jazz music, some years ago. I would like to tell you this story.
My father was a very talented R&B singer, but at a certain point in his career, he decided to dedicate his life to his family; he took a day job. It was a very hard decision! For me, my brother, and my sister, music was our youthful inspiration. We grew up singing and playing music. I remember our predilection for “the blue notes”! It was in my childhood that I started to listen to music, mostly pop music. I loved R&B, specially Lauryn Hill, Otis Redding, George Benson, and Luther Vandross; Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury, Italian pop, Maria Callas, Mozart, Gospel music, musicals, Earth, Wind, & Fire, Janis Joplin, Stevie Wonder, Kenny G., Frank Sinatra...
In high school, I was a diligent student and enthusiastic singer, performing Mozart’s “The Magic Flute” and embracing soul music. My teachers loved me, and they allowed me to sing in the corridors, where acoustics were optimal. At the same time I began to sing with my father and my brother at parties and weddings. In college, I studied the visual arts; when I graduated, I asked my family to help me continue my studies at the fashion institute or at the conservatory. That was my first challenge in life. My father, who was concerned about my future, recommended I study at a liberal arts university and pursue a vocation, rather than a creative profession.
For many years, throughout the many difficulties I experienced, I abandoned my passion for singing. After a few years, I left my studies at the university, and with the money I had earned working as store clerk at a clothing store, I was able to pay for my first singing lessons at a private music school. I said nothing to my parents. The “Pentagramma” is a school in Bari that has maintained an old tradition of tutelage in the jazz genre. I was truly exposed to jazz three years ago, and I loved it immediately. I remember how much I was impressed by Wynton Marsalis’ version of “Where or When”. Very soon after, I started to study jazz intensively, and today I’m confident enough to say that jazz is what I want to do for the rest of my life.
My discovery of jazz coincides with my discovery of the great female jazz vocalists: from Ella Fitzgerald to Dinah Washington, from Carmen Mc Rae to Peggy Lee, from Mina to Sarah Vaughn, from Barbra Streisand to Billie Holiday. Before, I listened mostly to male voices. In my mind, I thought that I could not sing in a light and brillant voice. I decided, instead, to sing in the contralto and mezzo-soprano ranges. Then, I discovered that my voice was different. So I started to study vocal technique by listening to these great female voices. After listening to instrumental soloists, especially horn solos. I must confess that I have a special passion for “bel canto”. I want to say thanks to Paola Arnesano and Gianna Montecalvo for their advice about the use of the voice even if I’m not a good student because I’m not assiduous! So I decided to study vocal tecnique very late and on my own terms.
My meeting with bass player Giuseppe Bassi was instrumental in my decision to undertake a career in jazz performance. After many gigs around Italy and a pretty good experience in New York City, I have decided to record my first CD of jazz tunes. I was supported in my endeavor by my dear friends and the great musicians that play in my quartet, but also by friends that generally appreciate music. In these past three years, my life has changed quickly.
After I understood what I want to sing, I know that I have much to learn and practice, so pardon my few mistakes. For this reason, I’m honored to have the esteem and the support of some great musicians. I decided to "photograph" this moment of my life with this CD; it represents an important interval in my growth as a vocalist. My choice of tunes is intentionally heterogeneous, emblematic of the connection of my past, present and future.
I would like my music to give people hope ,This is my greatest desire .
And finally, I would to say, there are many, many things that we don’t say, but that echo inside an image, so don’t ask, but listen. I thank all those who simply listen to my new addition to the music world.


First of all, I want to say thanks to Giuseppe, my mentor, the first man who believed in me, my most important teacher in music and life. He is both a great artist and a great man. Giuseppe, I love you.

Thanks to my family, who gave me their support and their love for the music. My father, Saverio, from whom I probably inherited my voice, has shared his “blues”! My mother, Lucrezia, always present in my life with her love, her generosity, her “cassettes,” and her solitude. Thanks to Raffaele, my first musical colleague, with whom I started to play at weddings! Our sane competitions were always fun and productive. We have the same love for music. Francesca, my little-great love: you have a great voice and soul. Believe it! Thanks also to Antonio, Elisa, Andrea, Pietro and Teo: your love and support was and still is very important to me!

Thanks to Lew Tabackin and Toshiko Akioshi for your music, your advice, your confidence, and your support!
Thanks to my dear friend, Beverly Getz, a precious companion and the first important fan I ever had; thank you for your constant love and support!
A special thanks also to Krystyna and Nicole Levy, Michele Hendricks, Dado Moroni, Richard and Heather Sinclair, Bobby Durham, Norman Simmons, Franco Cerri, Franco Lonero, my dear teacher of literature Ugo Balducci, and the staff and students at I.S.A. in Corato, Franco Fussi, CJ Everett, Paolo Piangiarelli, Enrico and Cristina Granafei, Enzo Capua, my best friends Ettore Lorusso and Adriana Bollino (with the new little addition to their family), Sasà Calabrese and family, Laura Cagnetti, Chuck Zeuren, Mark Peterson, Kenneth Hari, Shunya, Thomas Kushin, Giuliano Ciliberti, Paolo Lepore and the Jazz Studio Orchestra, Mario Rosini, Roberto Ottaviano, Ugo Sbisà, Sergio Gimigliano, Donato Giove, Massimo Manzi, Massimo Morriconi, Associazione Musicamdo, Bruno Pollacci, Emanuele Di Mundo, Paolo Farina, Paolo Camicia, and Carlo Stragapede.

Thanks to Giuseppe Bassi, you are the soul of this CD. Thank you for your arrangements, the long work that we put in together throughout the making of this CD, your musical selections, and your unmistakable “swing”!
Thanks to Ettore Carucci and Marcello Nisi for your talent and experience. Thank you for your esteem, your love, your “jokes,” and your energy! You are together with Giuseppe, a “swing-machine”! Thank you Jed Levy, you taught me so much. I love your voice, your music, and your sensibility. Your solos are diamonds that make this recording precious. I hear in this CD “the sound of New York” because of you! You also gave me a great advice about the music, the arrangements and my English pronunciations! Thank you for help with “Nicole’s Lullaby.”
Thanks to Luigi Giannatempo, for your great presence. I admire you deeply. Your string arrangement on “Sailing” is magical. Thank you for this great present and for your support.
Thanks to Claudio Mastrangelo, Pantaleo Gataleda, Walter Folliero, Lorenzo Lo Savio, you all did a great job on strings!
Thank you Max Stano for your professionalism, your advice, and your responsibility. You are great!
Thanks to Antonio delvecchio, Lamì Photographer and Francesco Morgigno; your art and talent are one preciosity of this cd.

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